Welcome to the SOAR365 - PARK365 online booking portal. You may check the pricing and availability for both the Patio and Pavilion table locations. 

Please note: During our "off-season", when we are not on Daylight Saving Time, we will only be able to offer one reservation time slot, 10 am - 2 pm, due to the shorter days and PARK365 closing prior to 7 pm. Beginning Saturday, March 11th, 2023, all time slots will be available.

Please note the following rules and policies:

If you have any other questions, drop us an email at park365@soar365.org

If you are looking to schedule a SCHOOL FIELD TRIP please email us at park365@soar365.org and let us know which school and grade will be visiting, what date(s) you would like to visit, how many attendees (students, teachers, chaperones) will be attending and if you would need picnic tables for lunch.


New Booking:
Wed Jun 13, 2018

Checking Availability...